Don”t forget to check back later for updates in this story, subscribers.
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Hello and Welcome to the Garden this blessed May season! We have a unique opportunity at this time to prepare for the year ahead for success given all we’ve learned through the recent history we’ve all endured. This is an exciting time for growth, wise decisions, Forward movement in faith and above all a reminder to pay attention while driving! This is an important time to focus more awareness on vehicle maintenance and also remembering that taking time to really listen to another person can prevent a lot of miscommunication. This is a good time to remember that not all that is shared here is meant for you, and that’s okay. This is a space to practice using your inner guidance to lead you to what is. It is my intention that you only receive what is for your highest good, and so it is. Enjoy a peek into May ♥️
(Some Dates to remember)
May 5th:
Manifestation Day! A time of mediation and intention
for physical and tangible wealth!
Be open to receiving this day
Cinco De Mayo
May 8th
Mother’s Day
I am holding space for gratitude this day for all women who willingly and lovingly took on the title of MOM, however that came about. Thank you for all you do. Your dedication and choice to love yourself and your children is what will change the world around you. Thank you for raising the next generation with love, kindness, patience, self control & awareness. You are the queens of now! Here’s to you!
May 10th:
Mercury Goes Retrograde in Taurus ♉️ : You want to talk stubborn? This is a time where choosing to be open to another’s view point and flexible with your own brings positive change. Stubbornness and refusal to budge is a tempting way to go but leads to more problems. BE STILL BEFORE YOU ALLOW YOUR MIND TO MOVE. And THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK assertive beats aggressive
May 16th Full Moon In Eclipse
Revisiting the goals set in January, This Full Moon is about working on forgotten goals already set in motion that need attention. This is also a time that requires deep concentration and thought. There are big reveals in this time and some are not as comfortable as Someone might like.
May 30th New Moon
Reviewing relationship, ideas, work, and finances may be needed at this time
Memorial Day
Take time today to honor the fallen, perhaps by supporting their family. When growing in compassion, one act of kindness can make a big difference in more lives than your one. (If this resonates, it’s for you and you already know what to do)
💜 💜 💜 💜 💜
Every morning she wakes up before the sun. She tip toes to the baby’s room and stares at her sleeping angel. For a moment in the dark she watches as her baby breaths softly in a peaceful sleep. Beaming down with a love that makes your heart ache its so full, she whispers,
“Thank you God, for another day”
She opens the door to her teenagers room ever so slowly so as not to wake them and again she sighs, the messy cluttered room and clothes she has to tip toe over don’t seem to matter at this hour. She isn’t concentrating on mothering, at this hour, she gets to beam with pride and actually enjoy the moment of peace. Watching her angel sleep for a moment she realizes just how proud she is that they exist, because they are perfectly imperfect. To see their sweet faces before they wake is her favorite way to start the day, looking at her blessings and take it all in. She really truly blessed. She has and gives unconditional love. She is a Mother. One who struggles like many. Like the great moms out there already know, she starts each day with a new chance to love, grow, and learn. Her pancakes sometimes burn, she may be late more than once, but you better bet she’ll try again tomorrow, and she’ll keep trying until the work is done!
The tears in the bathroom, the frustration of repeating herself, the constant laundry and cleaning are all part of the dance she does everyday for her children. She may not see it herself, she may feel like a hot mess, she may not contour daily, or show off for the gram, but she’s a fantastic mother, her purpose is clear and now she understands.
She’s pretty impressive the way she learns new ways of problem solving, teaching them of their own power and capabilities. She wants her time with them to be reflected upon as a time where they gained self worth, love for The Most High and Love for others. Self love comes easily as does compassion. She must first do this for herself and then she can give it to them. We celebrate her today and all the mothers, this month of May ❤️
To all the Mothers that visit the Garden, Thank you for showing up and making the world a more loving place. YOU are enough for your children. You are. Believe it. Thank you for another day.
🧿 🧿 🧿 🍱 “Food” 🍱 🧿 🧿 🧿
When your resources are available,
feed the need.
When you have more than you need,
Fill your reserves.
When you have enough,
Feed your neighbor.
When you feel challenged and stressed
Satisfy your hunger for knowledge
When you don’t want to budge,
Indulge in humility.
When you can’t see another’s perspective,
Intake more compassion
When you’re wrong and need to concede,
Swallow your pride
When you’re ready to move to the next level,
Be prepared for a new devil,
devour peace in your Mind, soul and your body.
What will you feed when the time comes to act?
Your faith or your fear?
What do you feed right now?
If you have been blessed with enough, fill the storehouse. Give to your local food bank this month. A Small contribution can make a HUGE difference for many. May is the month of preparing.
🌱 🪴 🌱 🪴 🌱
Plants need food too. Food is an important element to help them grow strong and healthy. As such, it’s time to revisit intentions set in March. The nourishment that is important here, is intentional forward movement and intentional rest. While learning new skills right now and moving forward is the main goal, someone is in need of remembering that what they take out, they need to replenish.
Someone has learned a lesson in planning in faith, and hoarding in fear. This month, someone will be tested in what they have learned. There is a need right now for someone to be wise with how they budget, and remember that it’s when there is plenty, that it is an excellent time to prepare for when there is lack. When prices are low, gathering what is needed for the months ahead is a smart move for someone and saves them significant money. None of these moves should be made in fear but someone needs to remember that all is well here. There is a very unique set of skills that someone posses that will help them be very successful in the months ahead this year, and in May, this Person is Seeing the Bigger Picture.
Someone has the capability in the beginning of this month to begin their strategy to store up for the winter months to come. Being that this is early in the year, it may feel a bit soon and yet this person is still feeling the pull to be proactive. Before any moves, they’ve learned to be still. They are searching themselves for any hidden fear that may be leading their actions. Someone has come a long way from the beginning of their spiritual journey. They’ve learned many lessons including the most relevant to their current experience in May.
All actions rooted in fear attach to that energy and the worst case scenario. It is much better to come from a space of preparedness based in wisdom and practical planning. They may even seek out a professional adviser to help manage their assets. Only they know the right answer for their particular path. They are beginning to realize asking for help when needed is not weak at all. It requires a new level of strength, humility and allowing for community.
Someone is being given a gift of awareness , and a chance to strategize for their best possible outcome and comfort. God provides, and this is how it’s being done.
👀 👂 🦶
Truth and integrity are rewarded and plots to ruin a reputation backfire. As May continues on and the planets play their part, Someone experiences a test of their willpower. With so many personal situations on display publicly , Someone must resist the temptation to engage in gossip. They’ve come too far, and climbed to high to fall so low. (If that makes sense, you already know!)
There are global rumors, local rumors and even family rumors that seem so shocking. Getting stuck in that lower vibrational energy is easy, but avoiding it is too. There may be a lot of chaos and fear surrounding someone as Mercury goes into Retrograde. . There may be a lot of stuck energy that needs to be readdressed. Liars and exaggerators may be everywhere in their midst replaying the same scenarios over and over again. Or perhaps, someone might experience their own lies being brought to light! There is a lesson here of course. An opportunity to learn. With all the conflicting news heard it can be easy to spread a lie leading to nothing good for all involved. Impulsive acts are easy to make.
What will someone choose to feed. Their fear or their faith? Will they make moves in fear and remove rational thought, regretting their use of resources leaving them vulnerable at a later date?
Or will they take some time to be still, consulting with the most high, the wisest possible action, that will give them everything they need in perfect time? There is a wiser way to prepare for harsh conditions and someone has the potential in May to rise to new heights. It hasn’t been written yet, but spoiler alert, Someone has more power than they know, to direct how they grow!
Thank you for visiting! If this resonated please leave a ❤️ below!
Ongoing Strategies for Communication in May 2022
Stories for this signs may not apply to you. Remember to observe and take only what resonates with your highest good. YOU and you alone know what path is right for you.
♉️ ♉️ ♉️ Taurus ♉️ ♉️ ♉️
Happy Birthday to you, Taurus ♉️ Lover of beauty and the finer things. Wise with money and practical in thought. We are blessed to celebrate your next solar year!! I wish you peace, that passes all understanding when needed most!
The Challenge:
This is a month of heavy duty healing. There is a Taurus that may be faced with a childhood event that has come to light and has caused a lot unhealed emotions to boil to the surface. Confused on why this is brought up now, a Taurus may find that this is the root of their trust issues. They may realizes this is the blockage to their own self worth. This materializes this month in a Taurus as they face their truth. They may find it difficult to communicate what they’ve been through and how it affected their way of receiving from others. This Taurus will be challenged to believe their point is valid and needed in situations that require them to stand up for themselves or others. This may trigger shadow emotions such as:
uncontrolled anger, Impulsive reaction, victim mindset and others.
Will this Taurus use the Month of May to grow past "the past", and realize their worth?
The Strategy:
Mercury will be in retrograde starting the 10th of this month. Being mindful of Their words and practicing the sacred pause before hand is very important. As a sign who is known for their fixed energy (some call that stubborn) it is really important to also be willing to compromise when feeling something is at an impasse. Yes, they are capable. Taurus choosing humility and choosing to cooperate with others could bring bigger wins all Month long!!
The true healing for this Taurus, is to realize that they have been waiting for a shift into prosperity for a while. In order to make room for what they desire most, they must learn to let go of the lie. Reminding themselves
“ I am worthy of all the good that comes to me”
“ I am capable of healthy, functional relationships, I can communicate my needs to others”
This reminder, will be a helpful aid as they push through a very difficult time that requires them to dig deeper than ever before to experience something even better than they could have wished. Holding space for grieving can release stuck emotions that have been a blockage in their relationships for some time.
As a mentor once told me, if you’re not where you want to be yet, start moving in that direction and give yourself a year, Taurus. By this time next year, if you choose the new way (every day), there’s no telling how big your change will be! Happiest of Name days, May your next Solar Return bring forth the life you desire for your highest good!
♍️ ♍️ ♍️ Virgo ♍️ ♍️ ♍️
THE GIST: Stubborn meets “needs to win” in energy. This comes in a time that requires cooperation. Be still and compromise.
A Challenge: There is a Virgo who is the “Go-to” person at their job, in their friendships, in their family and even in their relationship. If this virgo isn’t working, they are solving a problem for someone else who virgo would say couldn’t do it without their help.” Everyone reaches burnout when they give without receiving and this Virgo is in need of replenishing their strength this Mercury in retrograde period. The Challenge for the month of May will be communicating and upholding boundaries to replenish their strength.
A Strategy:
“I accept that challenges are the way I’m learning at this time.
I choose to be aware”
As a Virgo is recognizing the need to set boundaries and not jump in to take on others problems especially when they are depleted, it may seem like more problems need solving. This Virgo’s strategy will be to practice saying,
The Virgo in this story knows that the people around them are capable, and that they have a shadow response of control when people come to them to express their difficulties. Choosing awareness of this will help a virgo make healthier choices for themselves and others involved.
Some will fall away from VIrgo in this month, and this is fated so they can move to a higher vibration and these endings need to take place.
♑️ ♑️ ♑️ Capricorn ♑️ ♑️ ♑️
“The right thing is always a choice even when it’s not attractive”
A Challenge: There is a Capricorn that may find themselves re-visiting a past idea that could bring a lot of success at work! As they do this they realize that in order to achieve the goals in their plan, they will need a team for this labor intensive project. The challenge for the month of May will be Capricorn’s stubborn need to control their project. They have assembled a great team of thinkers and in May, when Mercury goes into retrograde, they may find themselves at odds and unwilling to be moved from their plan even when presented with possible solutions to a problem. Will Capricorn compromise in a project or will they compromise their integrity?
A Strategy:
Perhaps Capricorn has forgotten to trust themselves? They chose each member of their team and they certainly have forgotten how qualified their team is. People that Capricorn once professed to trust very much are now being treated differently and that awareness is coming. Letting go of the need to control is not an easy ask for someone who is used to leading. This however is being asked of a Capricorn and it will be the key to maximizing their current leadership skills. The may be surprised that it heals a piece of their shadow wound. Could this be the end of not feeling worthy or good enough for the next step in their life? Communicating by asking instead of demanding is new for Capricorn and if they practice all Month they may be surprised how much stronger they feel.
Communicating when they aren’t feeling well and taking action may help a Capricorn avoid burnout.
For Air sign stories and more, subscribe to Someone’s Story weekly Here!
That’s Just a taste of what is coming to the Garden this month! Thank you for stopping by! May all that is not meant for you or your highest good be released back into the pool where it belongs,
Wishing you clear communication & blessings beyond what you’ve dreamt,