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Someone’s September 2022 Experience “Pests”

Writer's picture: Tia Khaleesi Tia Khaleesi

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Welcome back to my Garden! You are most welcome here. If this is your first time visiting, or you haven’t been in a while, I ask that you first stop at The Garden Entrance HERE.

September is a month filled with work & preparation for the end of the year. It’s also a time where bugs and insects seem to swarm out of nowhere. The irritating blood sucking mosquitos 🦟 are everywhere. Gnats and fruit flies seem to be taking over in some areas. If we look a little closer, we may find standing water is attracting them to us, remove the irritant and remove the problem. In life, this is also true. When we are living and walking in faith, the pests of fear, lack and uncertainty try to make their way in. Fear does not belong. Remove the cause, remove the pest.

Division is also a great pest. for those of us choosing to move forward in community and love, "every man for himself" is a parasite that must not make it into our homes. We are entering a time where creating community leads to success but choosing to be selfish could lead isolation and destruction. Choosing to be sneaky and unfair can lead to our demise. If we remember to be kind, donate what we can when we can & help where we are able, we will see a beautiful new beginning happen at the end of this year. September is a month to remove the pestering fear that will inevitably brew in the media and all around us. Even in very real events taking place in and around our world, Fear is the ultimate pest that must be squished.

Drinking water is a precious commodity in many places as it’s become scarce. (Take a look back at April’s Story subscribers) For those in the parts of the world where the cold wind is beginning to rise, it is time to gather supplies and prepare for the winter months ahead. Those who prepare early will be glad they did! If you knew that there would hardships ahead, how would you prepare? If you couldn’t leave your home, how would you set it up to be comfortable for all that dwell there? Remember preparing in faith is NOT the same as hoarding in fear of lack. How can you help others? September is the time to check your supplies and as always live each day with gratitude for all you have. This is the most powerful weapon against the fear that is growing across all lands. Here in my Garden, the stories that are shared may not be for you, and that is okay. Take only what resonates with your soul and remember to use your intuition to lead you to what is. It is my intention as the keeper of this space that you only receive what is for your highest good. I believe, and so it is! Let’s begin our September preview, shall we?

(Some) Astro Events

The following are some of the astrological events as well as traditional holidays that may affect the way we experience the world. Use your inner guidance to lead you to what will guide you in the month ahead.

Retrograde Planets 🪐 in theBeginning of September:




Mars is in Gemini

September 1st

A need to make a Sacrifice

What are you willing to lose, to gain everything?

(More in the weekly Story)

September 3rd

Moon opposes Mars

Mars squares Vista

Be strategic with your communication.

Take some time to reflect on what point you

Are trying to get across. Are your words coming

From love or fear? Forceful communication will backfire

Consider diplomacy over dictatorship

September 6th

Pluto opposes the Moon


Ready or not, what you were asked to release on the 1st

will be taken from you if you held on.

Surrender the loss of what has been holding you back.

September 8th

The beginning of a new journey that may

Seem like the end to some. Patience is key

September 9th

Mercury joins the Retrograde planets

Take your time! When driving, when communicating,

When checking your work. Always take your time.

September 10th

Full Moon in Pisces ♓️

Now is the time for action. Revisit past dreams that you

Allowed outside circumstances to convince you were impossible

(We’ll be going into more detail in our weekly story )

September 25th

New Moon in Libra ♎️

Bringing things back into balance in a world that is heavy

With contradictions & restrictions, your voice is needed

Dive into faith unapologetically and bring balance back into your

Spiritual lead movements.

September 29th


A celebration of the fall Equinox

Her Triumph

She wasn’t expecting to win. In fact, she had conceded a long time ago. She had decided that it wasn’t important to win, but to heal. She had no idea that this is exactly what was being asked of her to clear her path. What did it mean to win? She no longer felt bitterness towards situations that had ended, or disdain for those who had wronged her. She was no longer plagued with thoughts of revenge or getting even. She had peace within her decisions. She did not fear the consequences and her reward was that peace. She could wake up in the morning knowing her best was good enough. She could see clearly what her responsibility was to change, to fix, to heal and to control. None of these things were outside of herself therefore all that was, she surrendered. This brought more joy than she ever imagined possible. People around her were healing and awakening to the truth. Lies were exposed and foes that pretended to be friends were too. She had found the truth that was hidden under the fear she once knew. She is learning that winning requires you to lose all the things that don’t matter, and it’s up to her to choose. This is a moment of triumph not over another but herself. She’s learned to trust The Most High and put her pride back on the shelf….

His loss

He sat in his favorite chair staring at the sunset in front of him. Never had he ever seen such beauty as when he was in this spot. His favorite place in the world was watching that sun go down. He felt like a king on his thrown, like he owned this familiar town.

He knew that he was being asked to leave it all behind. How could he do this? How could leave this beautiful place he had built. It was his oasis. What was waiting for him out there? As strongly as the urge to ignore, to rebel had become, he knew all too well what happened when he said “no” to The Most High. He knew that going towards his heart meant leaving behind the past. He’d lose the life he’d taken so long to build. To choose his rightful path, the one that brought true happiness, he’d have to lose the lie. The lie he’d built to keep him comfortable and stagnant with no room to grow. He was aging quicker than he’d like to and it was starting to show. The mask of happiness was wearing really thin. The flaws were exposed and so was the truth of the trouble he was in. He wasn’t being called to leave just to be thrown out into despair. For there was a sunrise he was led to and he could bring his favorite chair…

To be continued…

September Pests Preview:

Remember, you are the author of your own story. Nothing is set in stone; you have the power to change and remove anything before it comes into be. Proactive moves prevent pests from being your undoing. If this resonates. Remember, you can change events by changing your mind and actions. Don’t forget to check your weekly story for more on each week!

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September 1-4th “A Rescinded Offer”

There’s a pest that is creating a swarm of gossip. Someone is going to have a gut-wrenching truth reveal itself publicly. Sad as this may seem, it is a necessary moment that has the potential to bring someone out of their naive state and into an awareness with the power to set themselves free. People who were known to be trusted will no longer keep their confidence. They may find that their personal life has been leaked to undesirable sources. The offer of love that has been given is being taken away. This is a time for someone to take a closer look at the people they trust and have relied upon. There may be a need to remove trusted confidants that were already under suspicion.

A Healing solution:

Retaliation isn’t needed or helpful. There is never a need to panic or fear the outcome when you are living in truth. Someone will have the option to choose to face it with a bold unapologetic approach. There is nothing that could be exposed that will bring shame. Someone will rise above the rumors; they will rise above the gossip that accompanies the skewed truth spread by someone they once trusted. It may be a hard lesson, but someone is learning to trust their intuition instead of doubting their ability to discern. Taking this knowledge forward will prevent this pattern repeating itself again.

Week 2: A Battle

When we seek peace, we are sometimes faced with removing the irritant that is standing in the way of a peaceful existence. It is usually someone or something we are holding on to without realizing the damage it is causing. Someone is experiencing annoying & combative energy coming from different spaces or different sources. Like a swarm of gnats, this is irritating, inconvenient, and beyond frustrating for someone who is sick of fighting. They are capable of removing the annoyances one by one, will they take all that they have learned this year and put it to use? Choosing to refrain from joining the chaos and finding a peaceful exit might sound impossible to someone who has emotionally invested in the irritants. They must remember that where there is a will, there is a way.

Week 3: A misguided wish

If you have ever been hurt by someone over and over again, it's easy to see them as the villain in your personal story. Even they serve a purpose, and their actions can be used for your growth instead of against you. There are undesirable people that come into our lives to teach us compassion. Sometimes they are teaching us to have firmer boundaries, and to stand up for ourselves. They can be annoying; irritating and cause a whole heap of problems we’d rather not suffer through. Someone has spent a lot of time thinking about a terrible outcome for someone else. They have thought endlessly of how better off they would be if someone would leave their life or have something terrible happen. As the saying goes “where thoughts go, energy flows,” Someone gets their wish to their own disappointment, and it brings sadness and potential hardship in ways they couldn’t have predicted. Will someone choose to refocus before they get what they asked for and much more?

Someone is being offered a way out of this, will they take it?

Week 4: A Cold Heart

Compassion is One of the most precious resources one has within themselves. It gives us the ability to be gentle with correction of ourselves and others. It also attracts beautiful and wonderful things into our individual experiences. Someone may be forced to let go of a person or situation that refuses to love them unconditionally. Holding on to someone whose motivation comes from selfishness and enjoys hurting others will drain someone of all the loving energy in their space. Will someone make the sacrifice or wait until their well runs dry?

Week 5: Waiting

Someone has had to wait a really long time for something to come to completion. Whether it’s money, contracts, test results, a decision or something else, someone will be pestered with having to use their patience. Something that should have arrived before is delayed and it will take everything someone has to find their peace in an uncertain time, while waiting for their outcome. Will someone remember what they’ve learned and stand firm in their confidence that what is meant for them will arrive in perfect time?

Don't forget to read the 12 messages for Virgo Free Here!

Fear Vs Faith seems to be the general energy for us all. There is no more time to waste on the past, now is the time to embody your sun sign.

Rewards are waiting for a Virgo that chooses the high road each and every opportunity given. Even bigger rewards await the Virgo willing to explore what feelings are blocking them and manifesting in the physical as weight gain, lethargy, and money troubles. Many Virgos are being called to embrace their ability to observe what needs to be addressed. There is an awareness of what around them is not working. Now is not the time to look back, but to integrate the lessons they have learned along the way. Perfection is not the goal. Experience is. Many Virgos are being called to use the skills acquired in an impoverished upbringing to bring others out of this state. In the Month of September, some Virgos will need to focus on serving those that they are called to assist. Ego will tempt them in September. In fact, there is an overwhelming desire to control and perfect their relationships. Now is the time to release the toxic habits of trying to control. This is not the time to bend to the ego’s will. There will be many challenges in September for a Virgo that has been engaging in gossip. They may find that it comes back to them in an unpleasant way when Mercury enters its retrograde period. In order to avoid conflict, a Virgo is being asked to mean what they say and say what they mean. By choosing their topics as carefully as their words, they will find a peaceful end to their month.

That’s the beginning of what I have for you this month! May all that is not meant for you, and your highest good be washed away as it should,

I wish you clarity in a time of confusion. I wish you sight for all that you have when you need to see it most,

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